Working Prototype
Usability Testing
The usability testing for the Wave podcast app was successfully conducted in a concise 30-minute session. Five participants were chosen for the test. During this time, participants were given a focused set of tasks to replicate common interactions within the app. These tasks included finding and subscribing to a new podcast, creating a personalized playlist, and leaving a review or comment on an episode.
In this brief yet effective session, all participants successfully completed the tasks and shared their thoughts. They found the app's interface intuitive and user-friendly. Here are some direct quotes:
"Subscribing to new podcasts was straightforward."
"Customizing my playlist was quick and easy."
"Leaving comments and reviews felt engaging."
This abbreviated usability testing reaffirmed the Wave app's strong user experience and its accessibility to users of varying familiarity levels with podcast apps. The feedback collected further emphasized the app's efficient and intuitive design.